Monday, December 31, 2007

What Will the New Year Bring?

You can count down to watch the ball drop — or count down with oracles and fortunes for a peek at the New Year! Here are my picks for the top 10 online prediction sites:
  1. Bella Ball: a twist on the copyrighted Magic Less-than-nine, More-than-seven ball
  2. Buddha Oracle: concentrate then pick a dot, whic will transform into a lotus with a cryptic reading
  3. Dragon Predictions: toss a real coin and let Dragon interpret the results
  4. Fortune Cookies: a calorie-free cookie and fortune!
  5. Magical Smoking Head of Bob: also a variation on the magic you-know-what ball. Ask a Yes or No answer and receive answers in the familiar format
  6. Oracle of Apollo: modeled on the classic Delphic oracle
  7. Tarot Card reading from “What’s the Deal?” A fun flash-animated reading. It needs more graphics, but I like the upbeat orientation
  8. Whack on the Side of the Head: click on Roger Van Oech’s head and paradigm-shifting card appears
  9. Wishing Well: make a wish and toss a cyber coin, with a satisfying “plunk!”
  10. Your 2008 Horoscope, from the always insightful Cafe Astrology

Happy New Year!

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