Monday, April 28, 2008

"No More" Music Video

This gets me every time. Eddie Vedder singing, from the new Phil Donahue documentary “Body of War” about young vet Thomas Young.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Bed Nets for World Malaria Day

Got 5 bucks? That’s all it takes to contribute a malaria-fighting bed net for a person in a vulnerable country. April 25 is World Malaria Day — a perfect day to head over to, cough up $5, and add oneself to their Honor Roll. Check it out!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Dr. Pepper, Say it Ain't So!

While Robert Reich today endorsed Barack Obama, that can’t remove the sting of an old friend going over to the other side. According to the New York Times: Dr. Pepper is a Republican. I’m not sure if this means I should change my soda of choice, or if the good doctor simply needs a pep talk.

Sure, I understand the siren song of bourbon and stuffed crust pizza, which the Times also outed as card-carrying members of the GOP. They may seem sexier than white wine and Absolut and organic risotto. Yet can stretchy cheese and dark liquor offer the left-leaning quirkiness, the irony, that certain je ne sais quoi that is, after all, also your special appeal?

Dr. Pepper, come back to us!

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Rice Game, Redux

Help end world hunger
“What if just knowing what a word meant could help feed hungry people around the world? Well, at FreeRice it does . . . the totals have grown exponentially.”
- The Washington Post

I saw a sobering BBC News report earlier this week about the global rice shortage. Prices for this staple crop have risen 70% in the past year, many countries face extreme shortages and have called out the military to supervise sales, and the world’s poorest populations are especially at risk. All the more reason to help out even in a small way, with
The Rice Game. This web site takes “click to give” to new levels. The lure is a vocabulary game: choose the correct definition for a word, “win” 20 grains of rice for the United Nations World Food Programme. Does 20 grains per word really amount to much? Yesterday’s total: 156,133,700 grains of rice donated (March’s total = 4,109,191,320 grains.) Happy procrastination, word games, and giving to a good cause. What could be better?

Play the Rice Game today — you’ll be hooked! And hungry people will benefit from our fun.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

"I Have A Dream"

On the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s death, I wanted to sit down with this landmark speech . . .

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